The Little Green Man
The Little Green Man is an 80’s Children’s TV cartoon
written, produced and directed by Matthew Smith (click to
see out interview with Matthew and our interview with his
son Steve).
It was made by Pentagon Motion Pictures in association
with Central TV.
It was narrated by the unmistakable voice of Jon Pertwee.
Only one series of 13 episodes were made.
One night Sydney Keets was looking out of his window,
when to his surprise he spotted a flashing spaceship in the
distance. And do
you know what, it landed in his back garden!
The Little Green Man (Greenie) and a flashing yellow
thing (Zoom Zoom) appeared from the spaceship. He
introduced himself to the boy and told him that he had
come to meet him.
He made his spaceship invisible, so not to attract
attention from Skeet's neighbours and decided to stay
a while, with his new friend.
That's not the only thing that can turn invisible, as
Greenie and Zoom Zoom are invisible to everyone
else, plus they can't hear them either (unless they decide to become visible).
At the end of each adventure, Greenie gets himself into difficulty (normally falling off something)
and says 'Well, Really!".
The Little Green Man Characters
Sydney Keets
Sydney is know to his friends as Skeets.
I'm a bit worried about Skeets, as he seems to have been left 'home
alone', have you seen his parents? (his mother did leave him some food
once, but I still haven't seen her!) Luckily for him, Greenie and Zoom
Zoom keep him company.
He likes to show Greenie and Zoom Zoom around and take them to as
many places he can. He must have lots of money stashed away, as he's always paying to visit
things, such as football matches and zoos. But he doesn't have to pay for Greenie and Zoom
Zoom, as no one else can see them.
Both Greenie and Zoom Zoom seem to love all the places Skeets takes them and they all have
fun along the way.
Once, Skeets reminded Greenie that he had promised to take him on a trip in his spaceship, so
true to his word, he did. They went to the White Planet, where the White King plants Jam Tarts, so
that Jam Trees can grow. They use the Jam to keep everyone well, so it's very important.
When they got there, they found out someone had stolen all the Jam Tarts, so everyone on the
planet was feeling ill. So Skeets came up with a plan to catch the thief (he's good at that you
know). He set a trap by saying that a fresh supply of Jam Tarts had arrived.
He thought it would be easy for Skeets and Zoom Zoom to catch the thief, as they can become
invisible. But on the White Planet, they had no powers and instead Skeets did.
So Skeets made himself invisible and waited for the thief. They eventually found out it was the
Grand Master Robot, who wanted to takeover the Planet and become King. So they put an end to
that plan.
The Little Green Man
Greenie (as he is know) is invisible to nearly everyone, apart from
Skeets. Even if you can hear him speak, it sounds like gibberish, but
luckily Skeets is able to understand him perfectly.
His name is quite apt, as he has green skin (like all good aliens) and
wears green clothes. I think he needs to go on a bit of a diet as he
is...ahem...quite rotund.
He is very good at talking to animals, as they seem to be able to understand him.
When needed, 2 antennae can appear out of his head and crackling Magic Rays come from them to help him out with a problem.
He is a kind alien and will help anyone that is in trouble.
Zoom Zoom
He is Greenie's friend that accompanies him on all his journeys. He looks like a miniature floating sun and is also invisible to
nearly everyone, apart from Skeets.
He can even grow arms if he wants and can turn into a number of different shapes.
He needs to use glasses to read.
The Little Geen Man
The Little Green Man DVDs
Region 2 (Europe)
Region 1 (USA)
The Little Green Man Video
Series 1 (1985)
1. The Visitor from Space
2. There's No Fun Like Snow Fun
3. Up Up and Away
4. Greenie Thro' the Looking Glass
5. Help for the Duke
6. Monkey Tricks
7. Skeets' Scarf
8. A Trip to the Circus
9. An Adventure in Space
10. A Fishy Tale
11. A Bicycle Made for Three
12. ?
13. ?
The Little Green Man Images
(click to enlarge)
Toys & Gifts
Bargain DVDs