The Munch Bunch
The Munch Bunch is a 70’s Children’s TV puppet show that
was produced by Mary Turner and John Read of
Cinemation. Fifty-two episodes were made and shown on
ATV between 1978 and 1980.
The Munch Bunch were a pile of unwanted fruit, vegetables
and nuts, swept away in the corner of the greengrocer's
shop.... until one very special night when, one by one, they
came to life.
The Munch
Bunch included
Tom Tomato,
Pippa Pear,
Lucy Lemon, Pedra Orange and Wally Walnut. Spud,
their leader, quickly organised a meeting to plan their
escape. Once free, the Munch Bunch travelled into the
countryside where they descided to make their homes
in and around an old deserted garden shed. But this
was only the beginning of their adventures....!
The Munch Bunch Images
(click to enlarge)
The Munch Bunch
The Munch Bunch DVDs
Region 2 (Europe)
Region 1 (USA)
The Munch Bunch Video
The Munch Bunch Episodes
Toys & Gifts
Bargain DVDs