Postman PatPostman Pat is an 80’s Children’s TV animated show which was animated by Woodland Animations from stories created by John Cunliffe. The Theme Tune is what everyone remembers. When it first came out Terry Wogan (a DJ on Radio 2) played the Theme Tune for a laugh and was swamped with phone calls from listeners to play it again (which he did). Pat is now on the comeback trail, and Cosgrove Hall Productions have been given the task of creating new episodes. They were given the original Postman Pat Figure, but I'm unsure if they are using it or just using it for reference.Story Pat lives in the village of Greendale and is its local Postman. He zooms around the countryside in his red Royal Mail van delivering and collecting all the post of the villagers, who he chats to and he tries to help them with their troubles (not sure all Postmen would do this in the real world), which is how their adventures begin. He is accompanied on his round by his black and white cat - Jess. Greendale is a small village in the English Countryside. Here Postman Pat lives, who is the local postman who goes about his business each deliverying letters and parcels each day. Luckily for him he uses his red Royal Mail van to help him do this, but be careful Pat, as the roads are so narrow that they only let one car through. I'm surprised he hasn't had an accident yet!Postman Pat T-Shirts- NONEPostman Pat DVDsRegion 2 (Europe)- Postman Pat DVDsRegion 1 (USA)- NONEPostman Pat Video